Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Love...1 Corinthians 1-13

I've been thinking about love a lot lately. I love my family so much. I would do anything for them. I would lay my life down for them in a heartbeat. God's love is bigger, wider, taller and deeper than that. I mean think about it. God invented all things. HE must have invented love.

Love is the most precious commodity on the earth. Remember: every good and perfect gift comes from God...! God is Love.

Who needs Hate...? Who needs indifference... ? Those emotions can not be part of a true believer's existence.

Love is the greatest power on the earth. -For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that we might not perish, but have eternal life...!

Jesus told us to love one another like He loved us.

So What is Love...? Well, one way the bible describes love is by explaining what it is not.

Love is not selfish. True love puts the needs of others before our own needs. -I could go on and on but I must stop for brevity's sake.

I will close for now with this: The greatest act of love ever recorded was Jesus going to the cross to save our souls. If we dwell on anything today let us dwell on that...

To be continued...

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