Monday, October 06, 2008

God Is Looking For Some Heros...!

Here's a beautiful photo of a sunset in Pennsylvania. I found it on the Accu-weather website as I was checking the forecast for this week's tennis lesson schedule. Who can deny that God is not the author of every beautiful sunrise and sunset...? Who says that God did not create the heavens and the earth and all that dwell within...?

Well, sadly many people do not believe in a God. Or, they are indifferent to the whole concept. That's where Believers come in. If you Believe God made this sunset. If you Believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind then You have got to tell the world about it.

We are living in times that require heroes and models of faith. We must rise above what is ok'd by the world. We must do what's right for others instead of looking out for ourselves. When we proclaim our faith, the world really does start watching us to see if we are 'authentic' or if we belong to that 'special' group of Christians known as hippocrites....

-We mustn't fail those who are watching us... -Especially our children...!
'...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus... '

-The Apostle Paul, Philippians 3:13-14

Paul did not let setbacks and failures deter him. He was focused one thing: Jesus. He equated his desire for God to that of an athlete trying to win a race. Have you ever stopped to think who gave you the desire to win, the desire to be the 'best', or at least the 'best you could be...?

God did...!

He made us competitive by nature. It's too bad so many people 'focus' on being the best, or number one in pursuits that have nothing to do with recognizing or giving glory to God. I never thought of it that way before, but that's what The Apostle Paul is referring to in Philippians 3:13-14.

Run the race to win...! -Do your best. Try your hardest. By the way, what race are You running, anyway...? What are you in pursuit of...?

How about pursuing God like Paul did...?

If You do that then You will really be living a meaningful life and leaving a legacy for your children and everyone else in your sphere of influence.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You made me competitive. Probably more competitive than most everyone else I know. I've always wanted to be the best at what I did. I'm sorry I never really thought of being the best Christian I could be until now.

Thank You for Pastor Cere's message pointing that out to me. Lord I do want to be the Best for You. I am focused. Honoring You is all I think about any more. I know there are a few issues in my life I need to straighten out and I humbly ask your help in those matters. I want nothing to hinder me from obtaining the prize: A closer walk with You.

Father God You are amazing...! I love You, Lord. Thank You my King for so many abundant blessings in my life. You are the author of all good things. Every good and perfect gift comes from You, Lord. Praise You, Father. I stand with arms wide and heart abandoned to You, my King, My Captain.

Today is a precious gift. I live today in your honor. All my efforts today I offer for Your Glory. I pray blessings over all my tennis classes today. Help me make a impact on the youth and adults I will be encountering throughout the day today my Lord.

I love You, Father. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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