Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Living Out the Gospel Message of Compassion and Love

How does the world know I'm a Christian...? Because I blog about it a lot...? I hope not. This blog is more for me than anyone else. It helps me sort things out and make sense of everything.

I hope that the world notices I'm a Christian because of the way I treat others.

Do I live out the gospel message of compassion and love in every single one of my relationships...?

Sadly, no. Well, not consistently anyway.

But I believe it's the challenging relationships that reveal the most about my character and what I need to work on in my life. I recently read an Oswald Chambers Devotional that led me to 1 Corinthians 13

This is a scripture that I am very familiar with, but I do not have it committed to memory and I think that if there was ever an entire chapter of the bible to commit to memory it should be the chapter that defines love.

Not being able to love everyone with the love of Jesus Christ is a big problem for me. I think there are a more than one relationships in my life that are stumbling blocks to my spiritual growth.

Today I acknowledge my inability to love consistently and pray for help in those relational areas.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I need help. I really need You. Once again I find there's something I can not do on my own. Really, what can I do apart from You...? Well, nothing good or successful.

Father God throughout my life I have always had one or two difficult, challenging relationships that have severely hindered my walk with You and most certainly my witness to those around me.

Lord, as far as it has to do with me, I wish to live at peace with the world. Father God I pray for a total transformation in the way I interact with others. Please remove any trace of negative tone in my communication.

Enable me to continue to take a stand for the things I believe in but still present my message as one of genuine compassion for those around me, especially those who don't think the same way I do.

Lord this all about me. I'm not praying for someone else to change. I recognize that I need to effect some adjustments to the way I operate and interact within some of the relationships in my life.

Lord You are capable of anything. This will be a cinch for You. Father God my heart is very willing. Help me to love more like You. I want to throw off the old man and put on the new. Soften my heart Lord. I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

Coach Sam said...

Wow... The Enemy is definitely prowling about seeking to devour... Almost as soon as I finished this post I was presented an opportunity to be very annoyed by one of those 'difficult, challenging' relationships I discussed.