Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More on James 5:16...

I remember in Dr Young's sermon this weekend he made special mention of the Greek translation for the word for prayer in James 5:16... He said it was was a special term that meant 'a specific' request, not a broad, general prayer request.

I looked up James 5:16 and identified prayer in the Greek as it's used in that verse.

It's deesis from the root word deomai.
My wife and I were just discussing recently the need to make our prayers more specific, so hearing Dr Young mention this same topic reinforces my urgency to work on my prayer life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I thank You for Prayer. Where would we be without prayer...? I don't even want to consider a life or world without it.

Father God, one of my prayers today is just to do a better job with my prayer life. Help me to be in the Word more and show me what You would have me pray for.

I want to control my thought life better. When something comes to my mind that invokes anger, annoyance, or any negative thought let me be quick to take that thought captive and pray for the situation or circumstance immediately. That is one of my greatest weaknesses.

With that in mind Lord, this morning I lift up my son's tennis coach at school. For years I have harbored negative thoughts and feelings for and toward him because he has been so discouraging to many of my students. Instead of praying about the situation I have stayed angry and negative, myself. I am sad for what that anger has done to me and how it has effected my witness. How can You work through me and bless me when I am negative and harboring ill thoughts towards someone else...?

You can't work through a cracked vessel.

Lord I lift up coach Langner to You, today. I am very sorry for any negative comments or feelings I have had toward him. I don't want this issue to hinder my relationship with You any longer, my King.

I am repentant regarding this issue Lord and at my first opportunity I am going to apologize to Coach Langner and ask forgiveness from him.

Lord please restore me and help me to deal with my anger and negative feelings towards the challenging relationships in my life.

I love You Lord and want to honor You completely with my thought life. Lord I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

Judy Ohlemacher said...

Sam, perhaps you can offer to assist him with his team in some way. Actions speak louder than words so your good example as a teacher could help him and definitely will help his team.