Saturday, December 13, 2008

Prayer for my tournament this weekend...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for excellent weather today. I already feel blessed because good weather makes everything better. Father God I lift up all the players and their parents to you today. Please bless their safety traveling to and from the event today.

Lord I pray for good sportsmanship with the players and their families. I pray for a good tournament experience to be had by everyone. Bless my interaction with everyone today, Father. I especially pray for You to bless my communication skills. Let the world see the You in me today, my King. This tournament could be an excellent witnessing opportunity today. Please help me to recognize and seize the moments for me to influence others for You.

On the home front I lift up my dear sweet wife who was feeling a little run down yesterday. I pray blessings over her to have a peaceful, relaxing day today.

Father God, I am ever mindful of my responsibility as a Christian to pray for our Country and it's leaders and so this morning I stand in the gap for the United States and I lift up President elect Obama and his administration to You. I pray that he change his policies over issues like abortion and gay marriage. Lord I pray that Christians close to him would influence his decisions for life and the sanctity of marriage. Lord I believe that the Holy Spirit can still work a miracle in these situations.

Lord help me to reach other Americans like my nephew Johnny and the many, many young people in this world who either don't believe in You or are just indifferent to anything other than their own selfish desires.

Father God, I give today to You. Everything said and done today will be done and said in Your name for Your Glory.

I love You Lord, and in Jesus' name, Amen.

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