Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hmmm... I'm taking a class at church that discussed the Lordship of Jesus Christ last night...

I feel very foolish. I realize that I've really lost track of what the word 'Lord' means...

Certainly when used in reference to Jesus Christ, the word 'Lord' has a 'special' meaning.

One scripture verse passage used in our study to illustrate this was Luke 6:46-49

The study asked if there are places in our life that have not been turned over to Jesus. If you decide which parts of your life Jesus gets to rule over and which parts you reserve for yourself, who is really in charge? -Jesus is NOT the Lord of your life, YOU are...!

Then the big question was asked: What does Lordship mean to You...? That's what got me.

I confess that for many years I've used the word 'Lord' in my prayers. But I've used the word as another name for Jesus. I haven't really used it in the context of He has supreme authority over every issue of my life...

Now that I see clearly, I am literally sickened by that. I am definitely the person Jesus is speaking to in Luke 6:46-49...

The study: Building Blocks of LIFE meets on Wednesdays at 6:15 PM at Life 4 Square Church for the next 13 weeks or so. If you live in or around the Angleton area I would love to invite you to join me one evening in fellowship for the study of God's Word. Dinner is served and excellent child care is provided free of charge...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You REALLY are Lord in my life. (now, at last...) I am so sorry for carelessly tossing around your name. I love You and recognize that all good things come from You. Apart from You I can do NOTHING. You have blessed me far beyond what I deserve.

Father God, help me to live a life totally, recklessly abandoned to You. Show me You will for my life, Father. I've got a good idea what I'd like to do but help reign me in to be obedient to what You would have as the number one priority in my life.

My Precious Redeemer, I lift up my sweet wife to You as she is preparing to teach her art classes this morning. Bless her to make a difference in many lives today.

Thank You Father for another day of Life and another day to make a difference in this world.

I pray for President Obama and our country this morning. I lift them both up to You, my Lord.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Judy Ohlemacher said...

I looked on the website for this series of lessons. It really sounds interesting. I look forward to your continued comments.