Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Asking Forgiveness

Matthew 5:22 says that 'anyone who is angry with his brother and does not try to reconcile that anger will be subject to judgement...'

Romans 12:8 says 'as far as it depends upon you, live at peace with all people...'

I have recently been inspired by the actions of a friend of mine who prompted by the Holy Spirit, went to a colleague who had offended her, shared her testimony and asked forgiveness for my friend harboring ill feelings toward her.

I am actually going to do the same thing to everyone who has offended me or whom I may offended over the years. I'm just carrying around too much baggage from past hurts. I recognize that it is very unhealthy both physically and spiritually to hold that stuff in.

Furthermore, I recognize that God can not use me as his instrument if I have anxiety and negative thoughts and feelings towards others.

I'm looking to 'clean the slate' as soon as possible with everyone. Romans 12:8 looks very good to me right now...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Thank You for the inspiration of my friend and her courage to honor You with a pure life free of any resentment or any thing negative. I am inspired by her witness.

Father God I apologize to You for my part in any negative talk or negative feelings towards other people in my life over the years. As I go to apologize and seek forgiveness from everyone who has ever offended me or I may have offended myself, I pray that the Holy Spirit will speak through me and right those many wrongs and transgressions that have occurred.

Lord I am seeking to live a life that honors You. I pray You Bless my efforts to reconcile those difficult relationships in my life. Thank You for forgiveness and for forgiving me of my sins.

I love You Lord. And in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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