Thursday, March 12, 2009

Psalm 37:4 What does 'Delighting Ourselves' Look Like...?

Last night's Building Blocks of Life study at church changed my life. The topic was 'Faith: what is it really...?'

Several scripture verses really came to me last night. It was one those 'light bulb moments' where everything became very clear..

Psalm 37:4.... Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give You the desires of Your heart...!

-Instead of God giving us what we want, that verse means that God will place the desires in our heart..! When we focus on God and live ONLY for Him, our desires ORIGINATE from Him.

Selfish, greedy desires ARE NOT of God.

I read a good quote last night during our study:

FF Bosworth said: 'Christians feed their bodies three hot meals a day and their spirit one cold snack a week and they wonder why they are weak in the faith...'

We've got to spend time with God. We've got to have a relationship, we've got to fellowship with Him to HAVE and GROW in faith. -Sam Chadwell

Get the WORD in You....
Can we make more time in our day to read and study God's word...?

REPETITION: -Get the WORD in You... MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE...! We can never hide enough of the WORD in our hearts. We should ALWAYS (every day) have at least one verse that we are memorizing...

How much 'Spirit-Food' do You get each day..? Do you go whole days at a time without spending time with God...? This grieves the Holy Spirit. How many whole days do you ever normally go without eating regular food...?

1 comment:

Monica Chadwell said...

I love this post, Honey. Wish I could have gone last night too. Sounds like it was wonderful.