Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Do Not Love Simplicity...!

These past few months I've been doing a study of the book of Proverbs. I've read through the entire book on multiple occasions and spent a good deal of quiet time meditating and thinking about what God is trying to reveal to me through these wise sayings. At first I went through and tried to pull out the main thought, or the scripture verse or passage that was most meaningful to me. Now I'm trying to dig a little deeper.

Here are some more of my thoughts on Proverbs One. Verse translations are from the NIV.

In my first few readings and studies I concluded that Proverbs Verse 1:7 was the most significant verse to me. Now most people are familiar with that verse. or at least the first part of it: -Fear of the Lord is beginning of knowledge. And we determined that fear did not necessarily mean being frightened, but it also means having reverence and honor for God, too.

But that is not the verse in it's entirety. The second part of that verse is But fools despise wisdom and instruction. That second part of the verse is very significant. I've come to realize that I truly need to change my way of living before God simply labels me a fool and moves on.

You see, now that I have spent a good deal of time in the Word, I really know when I'm missing the mark as a Christian. Here are a few things of what Proverbs says about people who do not listen to God. I think there are many people hear the word of God but do not allow it to transform them. I've been in churches full of people like that. I'm afraid I have been one of those people for a long time...!

God asks in verse 22... How long will you love simplicity...?

-Simplicity is living apart from HIM, with no knowledge or understanding of His Word. It also refers to people who hear, understand, but choose to keep the lifestyle of Simplicity.

Verse: 24... For I have called on You and you have refused...

Verse 25... You have disdained my counsel and had none of my rebuke...

We are to have God's Grace for a time, but after an undisclosed period of time, here's what will happen:

Verse 26... God will laugh at our calamity

Verse 27... Terror will come, destruction will come, and distress and anguish will come.

Verse 28... You will call and God will not listen, You will seek Him and not find Him.

These are the 'anti-fruits' of not fearing the Lord, following His word, and despising His rebukes.

Verse 31-32... They shall eat the fruit of their own way... The turning away of the simple shall slay them and the complacency of fools shall destroy them...


For me right now, this is all about how I run my family and my relationship with Connor, Monica, and Elijah. -Especially Connor...! God is not going to wait for me to get my act together much longer. And on a larger scale, I can see how the words of Proverbs 1 apply to America and her future. I believe America is beginning to taste the 'anti-fruit' of it's own way. And those who call themselves Christians are all complacent fools for not standing up for God and His Word.
I have weakened America myself, by not having a stronger Christian home...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I love You. I do not love simplicity. I am so sorry for walking a weak christian walk, especially within my own household. Father God In lift up my family right now to You. I pray blessings on them. I ask that you help me to be a better father. Help me to be a better head of the house. Help me to say no to sin and live a life totally abandoned to You. Please Lord, remove these hindrances and strongholds that have impeded my spiritual growth. Praise You Father God, for I will listen to You and dwell safely, secure from fear and evil. I lift up pastor Greg and other pastors everywhere this morning as they prepare to deliver their Sunday messages. I pray that hearts and lives are changed forever today. I especially lift up my father in Law in California who has injured himself in a fall a few days ago and I also lift up my dear sweet sister who is suffering depression in New York. Lord, PLEASE heal them. I pray this in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.

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