Thursday, May 07, 2009

Huge Day...

This morning I am lifting up our country. Our President is telling the world that America no longer considers itself a Christian nation. That statements has so many ramifications that I don't even know where to start.

Is it possible that the majority of Americans are not Christian? Probably. There certainly aren't enough strong Christians willing to stand up and make an impact on those around them in a positive way. Well, even if America is no longer a Christian nation, I am still a Christian. And will remain so until the end. And I will continue to stand up for the Truth...!

Father God,

Thank You Lord for my blessings. Times are hard, but You are Good. Times are Dark, but You are Light. Times are evil and dangerous, but You are my Fortress and Defender. Lord my hope rests in You. I love You Lord. You have rescued me and pulled me out of the fire more times than I can remember.

I have a tough day today. Lots to do and little time to do it in. Lord I just lay it all in Your capable hands. I know You can pull me through it.

And Father God I weep for America today. I am so sad at the course our President and legislators are taking. Our country is denying You at every turn. Help me to impact those around me to effect positive change. Lord I want to stand up for You...!

I lift up President Obama this morning. Turn his heart, Lord. Turn the course America is taking. Lord I lift these requests up to You. And Pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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