Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Focused on Serving the Lord...

Something is going on, that's for sure. I had trouble sleeping last night. That can mean only one thing: God is trying to tell me something. I spent most of the night off and on reading from Genesis. I was reading how God was so disappointed in mankind around the time of Noah that He decided to wipe out the entire world except for Noah's family.

I was wondering how things could have been worse on earth then than they are now...?

It's difficult to imagine society slipping lower than it already is. Our culture murders babies as a billion dollar industry and it seems that our country's leaders are on a mission to legitimize and protect our freedom of sexual perversion. We've kicked God out of the schools and we can't mention God or Jesus in a government institution or event without someone suing that their rights have been violated. And the list goes on...

God can NOT be happy with this...

As for me and my house... We WILL Serve the Lord. That's my focus today. -Letting my light shine, and giving glory to THE ONE who is WORTHY of my Praise...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I love You, Lord. I am sorry for the sad state of my country and the world. Father God I will stand for You. I am here Lord, Use Me. I offer today to You, my King. Thank You for another day to affect the lives of those around me for Your Kingdom's sake.

Lord I thank You for my precious family. I pray blessings over their day today. Lord Jesus, in Your precious holy name I pray, Amen.

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