Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seeking God

It is strange how little use we make of the spiritual blessings which God gives us, but it is stranger still how little use we make of God Himself. Though He is "our own God," we apply ourselves but little to Him, and ask but little of Him. How seldom do we ask counsel at the hands of the Lord! How often do we go about our business, without seeking His guidance! In our troubles how constantly do we strive to bear our burdens ourselves, instead of casting them upon the Lord, that He may sustain us! ~CH Spurgeon

Oh this has been my issue all my life. I have tried so many times to solve problems on my own under my own power... But Praise God, I am learning to lean on HIM now and NOT my own understanding.

My Way is the path of death and destruction.

God's way is the road to peace and life everlasting.

Heavenly Father, help me to follow You. Help me to be obedient. Give me a hunger and thirst for Your Word and for Righteousness. Father God I pray blessings on my family today. Cover and seal them in the Holy Spirit. Protect them from the world and the Enemy, Lord. My Lord and Savior, I love You my King. I run to Thee. I cling to Thee.

You are my rest. You are my strength and my Fortress. In Jesus' holy precious name I pray, AMEN

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