Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Let the Holy Bible be your Teacher.

What man is he that feareth the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.  Psalm 25:12

Friends, I encourage you to let the Holy Bible be your teacher.   Let the King James Bible be your instruction manual for life.

'When followed with understanding, Scripture can direct your activities on a horizontal plane: marriage, parenting, sex, business, finances, even aging. It informs you of your inner self, too, dealing with depression, anger and self-worth. Most importantly, God gives instructions on the vertical relationship between you and Him, with everything from tutelage in worship to the promise of chastisement for disobedience. And He has not left you on your own to figure things out. His Holy Spirit is your guide and personal tutor.   We are told this in John 16:13-14.'     ~Taken from the Presidential Prayer Team Daily Devotional, January 8.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, help me to be a leader to my family.  Help me to follow the truths you specifically wrote down for my edification, penned through Holy Men divinely inspired.  Lord help me to stand in this day of increasing darkness.  I want to stand in the gap for my family and friends,  Father let Your light shine through me, even though I am an unworthy vessel.

Bless my precious wife and sons.  Guard and protect us.  Draw us close to you, my King.   I thank you for your WORD.  I thank you for your SON, JESUS.  And I pray these things in Jesus' Name,  Amen,

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