Thursday, December 12, 2013

Psalm 20:7 ...But we will remember the name of the LORD our God

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.  ~ Psalm 20:7

This verse is taken from Psalm 20.  The entire psalm is only nine verses.  Click Here to read it in its entirety.

So just what is the 'name' of the Lord our God...?   Why is 'LORD' written in all CAPS in some places in the bible and not in others?   Here is a good link that answers and explains this question.

While other people put their faith in worldly things like themselves, money, and military might, the author of Psalm 20 and his people trusted in God. -AND SO SHOULD WE.

My advice is to read the bible every day. Let the Holy Word of God penetrate and saturate your heart, mind and soul.  Which translation should you read...?  King James Authorized Version   I would like to greatly caution you on using a newer, modern translation that is supposedly 'easier' to read.

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over approximately 1600 years.  If you are faithful to read it your life will be transformed..  I have a strong testimony of what the Lord has done for me.  HE has done and continues to do a tremendous work in my life.

Friends, I would love to tell you the story of how hope is built on the Love of Jesus.   Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved!  Remember the name of the Lord our God.  You can call him Jesus.  He died for You so that you might have everlasting life..

I love you and wish you a wonderful day in the Lord.

Your brother in Christ,

Coach Sam

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