21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.
The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.
Verse 20: This verse alludes to the fact that Jesus did not have any broken bones during his crucifixion. This was a common practice in Jesus' day to speed along the dying process. After enduring several hours of agony on the cross, the victims legs would often be broken so they would no longer be able to hold themselves in a position to properly breathe. But the 'bones' are also symbolic of the entire man as a person. The psalmist is also saying that God preserves his people.
Verse 21: All throughout the bible it states that the wicked will fall into their own snares and devices. The first part of verse 21 is another reminder that the wicked will meet an evil end. What a person sows they shall also reap. But verse 21 is also describing two types of people: One people group are just plain old 'wicked people'. But in particular there is a group referred to as: 'they that hate the righteous'. These are called to become 'desolate'.
The King James Defined Bible says that 'desolate' means: uninhabited, deserted, barren, dry, and lifeless.
So, all will die, but some wicked people will fall victim to their own schemes and plots. However, the wicked who also purposefully seek out and hate the righteous are fated to a much worse demise.
Verse 22: The term 'desolate' is used in both the concluding two verses of Psalm 34. It is used in the description of the fate of the wicked in 21. And in the final verse (22) we see it used in contrast with the fate of the righteous who shall not see desolation. In verse 22 we see the gospel message: Those who trust in the Lord shall be saved for eternity. We will not face desolation. We will not see death at all, We will have everlasting life if we place our trust in the Lord.
Call upon the Lord and be saved.
I love Psalm 34. God gave this book and chapter to me to kickoff 2014. Praise Him. I will hide this word in my heart so that I might not sin against Him.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Most High: JESUS.
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