Thursday, January 15, 2015

Prayer Requests ~ Standing in the Gap

Today I lift up my dear friend Gaylynn who is fighting cancer.  I lift up her daddy, too.  And as always: I lift up my precious family, especially my beloved wife, Monica.   I also lift up my dear brothers in Christ Brady, Bradley, Mike, and their families to You.

Father God, you know the needs of the individuals I have listed here.   I pray in the name of Jesus a blessing of spiritual, emotional, and physical healing over all.

Lord: You know my needs, too.  Help me to be strong.  Help me to stand in a world that desperately needs your healing.  I pray for patience, meekness, and humility.  Help me to be the daddy, husband, and friend you have called me to be.

Thank You for another day.  Thank you for loving me and providing for me and providing opportunities to serve you and minister to those within my sphere of influence.   I love You.  I need you and cry out to you.  And pray all these things in Jesus' Name.


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