Wednesday, September 29, 2004

God Wants to Bless Us

Today's lesson is paraphrased from Bill Hybels' book Too Busy to Not Pray.

The psalmist says: 'Taste and see that the LORD is good...' Psalm 34:8

Don't think you have to wrench a blessing from God. The bible teaches that God wants to bestow blessings upon his children. It's in His nature. He's a Loving God, a Giving God, a Blessing God, an Encouraging God, an Empowering God, and a Nurturing God. The Bible teaches that we serve a God who is simply looking for opportunities to pour out His blessings upon us. As children of God we are heirs to His Riches. But to tap into God's Blessings we have to spend time with God in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I know You want to bless me. And You already have in so many wondrous ways. I see Your Power and Might in everything. You are Wondrous, Lord. Thank You for being such a Kind, Generous Father. Thank You for Your Precious Word, The Bible. And the Bible teaches us to pray for one another. Lord, I pray today that others will recognize the value and importance of prayer. I pray that people learn more about You and are inspired to connect to You in prayer. Father, I pray that this prayer journal is a blessing to all who read it and that it draws them closer to you and that they see the love in my heart for You. And I do Love You, Lord. You are my King. My Deliverer.

And Father I pray that You do deliver me. Deliver me from temtation. Deliver me from the bondage of debt. Deliver me from the bondage of procrastination. Lord, I know that You desire Good Things for Your children. Well, this child has made a mess of certain areas of my life. And You know my needs, Lord. And You are able to do all things. So Father I just rest in You. I will not worry. The Creator of the Universe is certainly Able to deal with the ligfe issues of Sam Chadwell.

Lord, Give me Grace to face and withstand trials before me. Grant me wisdom to see solutions to problems. Show me courage to go out of my comfort zone and be a bold witness for Your Kingdom. Jesus, thank You for Prayer. I claim victory over the Evil One and his fiery darts.
Father, I sincerly appreciate another day to love and worship You. I ask that You lift up my wife today. she's working hard to complete an art project deadline. Lord I ask blessings on my sister in Christ 'Elizabeth'. She has many needs Lord. Especially a brother who needs You, Lord. I pray that You Bless Elizabeth and her family. Father, another sister in Christ is 'Debbie'. She has many familial issues too, Lord. I pray for the salvation of her children and ask that You bless them and send strong, Godly men and women into their lives to witness to them and disciple them.

Lord, I pray for my own Brothers and Sisters this morning. (Stanley, Becky, and John) They are all in various forms of bondage. I pray for their Children, Lord. Their kids are the next generation of the world. I pray that they don't grow up and Not Know You.

Father I pray this morning for my stepson, Connor that he develop a strong relationship with you. Bless his daddy to bring him up in Your ways. And bless his relationship with his mom. It's difficult for both of them to live so far away from each other.

And Lord, I ask for Your Blessings on my parents -in-law, Judy and Arno. Bless their health, Lord. Keep them safe. Let this time of their life be filled with joy and peace.

Jesus, You loved us so much that You laid down Your Life and shed Your Blood for our Salvation. Thank you Lord. I give this day to you. I give my life back to You. I am in Your service, Lord.

In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN.

1 comment:

Judy Ohlemacher said...

Sam, thank you for your prayers and your love. It gets me off to a good day.