Monday, October 25, 2004

PDL Lesson 7 And week One Wrap Up

The Scripture verse for lesson seven pretty much sums it up:

Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by HIS power, and everything is for HIS Glory. Romans 11:36

The ultimate reason for the universe is to show the glory of God. It is the reason everything exists, including you and I...

Five ways we can bring Glory to God:

1. We can Worship Him through Songs and Prayers of thankfulness and praise
2. We can love other Believers
3. We can work towards becoming more like Christ
4. We can Serve others with our gifts and talents
5. We can tell others about HIM.

Coach Sam's Study Notes: Summary of Week One: This has been a very helpful enlightening study so far. Day One introduced God. Day Two validated our importance in God's eyes. We are His greatest creation. In Day Three we explored what motivates us. Day Four explained about our eternal soul, God's eternal promises, and the act that we were made to lost forever! Day Five taught us that life is both a test and a trust. Day Six reminded us that although our souls are eternal and will last forever, our bodies aren't. Life on earth is a temporary assignment. Day Seven set the stage for the rest of the book: Ways we can worship God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh Most Holy and Awesome God, Thank You for this study. It is teaching great life lessons and is stimulating excellent dialog between my wife and I. It is my prayer that this study changes our lives as we grow into a deeper understanding of our purpose in this world.

Thank You, Lord for being the kind, loving, gentle God that You are. Thank You for Your generosity. Thank You for the miracles that You work out in our lives each and every day.

Lord, as Monica and I prepare for work today, I pray that everything we do today will be done to Your Glory. Help us put 100 % of our being into every task we undertake. Give us both the energy and guidance to accomplish much today. Help us achieve sanity in our schedules. Let us be good stewards of this time You have given us.

Father, I pray for my students today. Let them come to class today with good attitudes and open minds ready to improve their tennis skills. Lord I pray that I have words of love, kindness, motivation, and encouragement. Help me to build up and positively impact many lives today.

I just give this day to You, Lord. Make it what You will. I Love You, Jesus. Thank You once again for your gift of eternal salvation. In Your Sweet, Holy Name I Pray, Amen.

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