Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What Drives Sam Chadwell's Life...?

Point To Ponder: Living on Purpose is the Path to Peace.

Coach Sam's Personal Study Notes:

Without a doubt, most people would say that tennis drives my life. And it's true that tennis activities do take up alot of my time. But, I'd say that tennis doesn't define my life and hasn't for a long time. Tennis did define my life back in my teens and early twenties when I thought I wanted to be a touring pro and make a living from prize money earnings. But those days are long gone. Although I do love tennis, it is now more a means to an end than any thing else.

I love to teach. I love to mentor. I enjoy helping people improve. I like to improve the quality of others' lives. For some people it's in learning to strike a tennis ball better. For others, it's just for the workout, the exercise. Others need the encouragement and motivation. And helping others is very satisfying to me. I feel fulfilled helping and interacting with others in any medium. Tennis is just my medium of choice most of the time.

I believe that everyone that crosses my path is an ordained encounter. I've often heard it said that You can't be all things to all people, or you can't please everyone... And I agree with that. But I can try to give a Godly, Christian Witness to everyone. I just have to be the 'Me' that God made me to be. When I come across someone that I have difficulty getting through to, or we just don't 'click', it's disappointing to me but I don't let what might be perceived as lack of success deter me. I know that even if I may not have achieved the results I was looking for, I may have set in motion thoughts and stirrings that someone else will come along later and water and further cultivate.

God is always faithful to finish works that he starts.

Now, it sounds like I've got it all figured out, doesn't it...? Honestly, after I went back and read what I just wrote I thought it summed up Sam Chadwell fairly well. I could just just stop right here, say my prayer and let that be it. But that's not the neat, tidy end of the lesson.

The question is: Why then, don't I have perfect peace...? I definitely don't. God is working on me big time. I can't figure it all out right now. But I'm trying. I think the Forty Days of Purpose is definitely going to reveal some things to me about myself that I didn't know. It's going to strengthen my marriage. It's going to make me a better coach.

Today's study for instance really has me motivated to figure out what's missing.

What Drives My Life...? Here's a closer look:

# 1) To be what God called me to be.
# 2) Wanting to know God better.
# 3) To serve God through the proper use of my time, talent, and treasure.

I think my problem stems from # 3.

I definitely have a time management issue. There's no doubt about that. Talent, I don't know... I think I'm making decent use of my talent(s). Now, the treasure department probably needs a little more inspection under the microscope, too... But I think that will be addressed more specifically in future studies. I'm afraid I need to close here for the sake of brevity.

Thank You for reading my journal. I hope reading insights into my life will help stimulate your own introspection. Until next time, I pray that God Richly Blesses You!

Dear Heavenly Father,

My Jesus, My Savior, Lord there is none other like You. Thank You Lord for giving us the mental capacity to ponder these important life issues. Jesus, Help me (us) know You are the Answer. You are the Truth, The Way. When we have You we have Everything. Yet, many of us are unhappy. Unsatisfied... What is the reason for that...? Is Satan firing his darts at us to confuse us and take us off the prescibed track...?

Jesus, I have a mental knowledge of Your Truth, but my faith seems so weak at times. You have shown evidence of Your Faithfulness so many times in my life. Really, what's my problem...? What's missing...?

I need You, Lord. I need You to help me find my true purpose. My complete purpose. I don't want to stay busy living an unfulfilled life. Father, Thank You for this Purpose Driven Life Study. It's making a huge difference guiding me along life's journey.

I guess I need patience too, Lord. Here I am only on Day 3 of my 40 day journey and I already want to know all the answers. Jesus, I just leave it in Your more than capable hands. I am soft clay ready to be molded by the Master Potter's hands... I am Yours, Dear Lord. Just use me as You will.

Father, I've already made a mess of today with misbudgeting my time. But I wanted to complete this study if I didn't do anything else. Lord, I ask you and I trust you to Bless the rest of my day. I offer this day up to You, Father. And I ask a special blessing on the Clear Creek Worship Band tonight. -Especially the brass section... Help us come together and play those tricky rhythems and phrases correctly, Lord.

Father, also, Bless My Sweet Wife. Keep her safe and draw her close to you. She wants to know you more just like I do, Lord. And Lord, I haven't prayed for the Prayer Warriors publicly in some time but they are always close to my heart. Please bless them and their families and their special needs.

Jesus, I love You. I give this day to You, Lord. Thank You for the day. Thank You for Eternal Salvation. Thank You for hearing my Prayer.

In Your Name, Jesus Christ I Pray.


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