Thursday, November 11, 2004


Today I feel moved to do a begin a discussion on 'Intercession'. Intercession as it relates to the bible means praying to God on behalf of someone else.

1 Timothy 2 states: '... I urge you then that prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone...'

According to 1 Timothy 2 We are called to intercede on the behalf of others. I really feel that's my calling: intercessory prayer. I'm still developing this gift. In fact, I would consider my development of this gift in it's infancy stage. Many times it's perfectly clear what I should pray about, and who I should intercede for. But then at other times, my times of 'dryness', I just have a hard time praying. I'll slip into a routine of focusing mainly on my own selfish needs and wants. It's difficult to be 'selfless' all the time. But we must always strive to put others needs before our own.

Lately, when I feel spiritually dry, I'll just pray to God asking who or what he wants me to pray for... Then the key to getting the answer is slowing down and being quiet enough to hear God's voice. And that's my other big, big, struggle: Busy-ness.

Today I pray for everyone who is too busy. For everyone who like me allows life get in the way of living for God. A good formula for success is to prioritize your life into these 3 simple categories: God First. Others Second. Self Last. I know that's a common saying or phrase. I've heard it many times. But this morning it's taking on a greater significance and meaning to me.

I'm very behind on my Purpose Driven Life Study but I promise I will catch up. I guess that's part of the placing God 'first' in your life category...!

Dear Heavenly Father, You are a God of Faithfulness. It is recorded many, many, times how you interceded in the lives of those who were called to Your purposes. Indeed, I look at my own life, Lord. And I see instance after instance where You've blessed me, restored me, and pretty much met my every need. Lord You are a God of miracles...!

Jesus, I ask today that You move powerfully in the lives of the Prayer Warriors (including myself). Help us to deal with this issue of being to 'Busy'. Even being busy with good deeds and 'Kingdom-Work' can be detrimental if it is done at the expense of a person's sanity.

Lord, specifically I intercede on behalf of my Brother John and Sister Becky. I pray they get really connected to You. I pray for my Brother in Law (also named John). He is the epitome of busy. But he is busy in pursuits that don't glorify You or necessarily benefit his family, either. Let Him know You, Lord. Father, I'd be remiss if I didn't pray on behalf of my nephews. Joey is running wild with no regard for himself or others around Him. I pray that You move in his life quickly and powerfully. Let there be no mistake that You have worked a miracle in his life, freeing him of his chemical dependencies. And drawing him to You.

Heavenly Father, As always I pray for my sweet wife, Monica. You are working many miracles in her life, freeing her from her bonds. Thank You Lord. Thank You for bringing her into my life. Thank You for the struggles we face that just make us stronger and stronger. Lord, Just continue to lift her up. Restore her. Season her words and her life for witnessing. Help her with Busyness. Help her have a productive day today. Please Lord, Divinely Inspire her to use her artistic talent and gift to Glorify You.

Father God, I just Love You. I Praise You and Worship You. I give this day to You.

Lord Jesus I pray these things in Your Holy Name, AMEN.

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