Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Test of Faith

We all go through Tests of Faith from time to time. Indeed, it seems that the closer we draw to God then the more strenuous the tests become. Examine your own Faith issues. Is there an individual in your life that is difficult to love or a situation that seems impossible, or just doesn't make sense...? The bible is full of Tests of Faith. Look at Noah. He'd never even seen rain before and yet he spent 120 years building an Arc. Moses brought his people to the brink of the Red Sea with enemy forces closing in on them. Miraculously, the sea parted allowing their escape.

Friends, You may be experiencing a 'sticky' situation right now. My heart goes out to you if you are because I am, too. But I invite you to take heart and along with me, give it to Jesus Christ. The God who spoke the entire universe into existence is big enough to handle any problem of yours or mine....!

Jesus told us directly: 'In this world you will have troubles but fear not because I have overcome the world.'

We are commanded by Jesus Not to worry. Oh I struggle with that. But that is the 'old sam'. I need to plug in the 'New and Improved Sam'...! And You need to do the same. Won't You Trust in Jesus to meet your need...? Trust Him. Really Trust Him. Claim the Victory and it will be Yours.

Dear Lord, You are an Awesome God...! Able and Willing to bestow abundant blessings...! Father You know my needs and the needs of my wife, too. We trust You Dear Lord to meet our needs. You have said that You will never leave us or forsake us. You won't give us more than we can bear. You instructed us to ask and receive. Knock, and the door will be opened.

I'm knocking, Lord. And Monica's knocking, too. Father we pray that Your will be done in our particular circumstances. And what ever the outcome give us Your healing Grace to accept your blessing even if it doesn't seem like a blessing at the time. We can't see the end of the road, father. But You can. And we know that You have great plans for good in our lives. Lord, we rest in You. We trust in You.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for my many blessings. Blessings that many people take for granted. Thank You for my Health. Thank You for my sweet wife, Monica. Thank You for blessing us financially. Thank You Lord for family that loves me. But most of all Lord, Thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ who died for My Salvation...! I love You, Lord. And in Jesus' name I pray,


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