Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Prayer for Our Nation

Dear Heavenly Father,

The Presidential election is not officially over. It's not completely clear who the winner is yet. Lord I just pray that we have some quick and decisive finality to it and that it is not marred by impropriety and lawsuits. Jesus, I know that who ever wins that Your hand is still on this Nation. It was a record voter turnout for both parties. That shows that many people do care about this country even if their views differ. I pray Lord that this country will be less and less divided as the days, weeks, months, and years go by.

Father, I pray for Chief Justice Rehnquist who is dying of Cancer. I pray for his successor, whoever that will be. Lord, I pray that You lift up new Supreme Court Judges who will uphold the beliefs and the will of our Founding Fathers who established the United States as: 'One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All...!'

Lord Jesus, I love You. I give this day to You, for Your Glory. And Bless me Father, to have a good and productive day. To grow in You and to spread the gospel in my words and actions.

Father I pray these things in Your Son's Name, AMEN.

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