Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Mark 9:50

50 "Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other."
(from New International Version)

Jesus referred to his disciples as the ‘salt of the world’. What is salt…? It is a seasoning. It enhances dull, bland foods. What else does salt do besides seasoning…? It is often used as a preservative. It saves food and makes it last longer. When you accept Jesus as your personal savior, your soul is preserved (saved) for eternity. That’s some mighty strong salt…!

We are called to season and preserve the lives of others through our own ‘saltiness’. There’s definitely been an ebb and flow to my saltiness lately. Something I readily recognize and am working diligently on because I want to flow...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Make me more salty. As I pour myself into the lives of others around me I pray that my words are seasoned with the Salt of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I pray You work through me to enhance the lives of friends, family, and all who cross my path. Let me be Encouraging where there is Despair. Let me bring Hope and Love where there is Sadness and Loneliness. Let me bring Peace where there is Restlessness.

Lord Jesus, I’ve not been living my life as I should. I have not been living enough for You. I’ve put many, many other things before You. But Lord, today. Right now. I acknowledge you as My Personal Savior. I Rededicate my Life to You, Lord.

In this public profession of faith Lord, I pledge to live the rest of my life for You. To You who have given me eternal life, I pledge my earthly life.

My God, My Savior, Thank You Jesus for Blessing Me. I pray that I continue to grow in You and become a blessing to others.

I pray these things in Jesus’ name, AMEN

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