Monday, December 13, 2004

PDL Lesson 17 A Place to Belong

PDL Lesson 17 A Place To Belong

God's Family is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the earth. 1 Timothy 3:15

This Chapter is about what the church is and how it functions. The church has often been compared to a human body. We, the believers make up various body parts and vital organs of the church. We must be attached to the body in order to function. A foot or a leg by itself can't walk. Our body parts will not survive unattached to the body. And we will not survive spiritually apart from Christ. Church is where we connect with other believers, the rest of the body of Christ.

There are 5 reasons we need a church family:

1. Belonging to a church family identifies you as a genuine believer.

Our love for one another proves we are believers. When we come together as a group, especially when we are multi cultural, it is a powerful witnessing tool.

2. The church family moves you out of selfish isolation.
Biblical fellowship is being as committed to each other as are to Jesus Christ. We are called to love others as Christ loved us.

3. The church family needs you.
God has given each of us spiritual gifts and we are to utilize those gifts within the body of Christ. We are to use our gifts in a ministry that God has specifically designed us for. Do you know your spiritual gifts?

4. You will share in God's mission.
The church is God's hands and feet. The church body carries on God's work. He works through us in the world.

5. The church family keeps you from backsliding.
Family looks out for each other. We are called and commanded to be involved in each other's lives. In addition to the help of other believers, each local church has Godly leaders who shepherd, guard, protect and defend the flock.

Dr Warren says that Satan loves detached believers, unplugged from the life of the Body, isolated from God's family, and unaccountable to spiritual leaders, because he knows they are defenseless and powerless against his tactics.

Church Attender or Church Member...?

What's the difference between an attender and a member...? The answer is commitment. Attenders are spectators, uninvolved. Members are contributors. In our model of the early church, the bible says in acts 2:42 '...They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and prayers...' God still expects us to commit to those things today. Church IS fellowship.

Coach Sam's Personal Notes: There was a long time in my life when I was disconnected from a local church. I had been moving a lot and was new to Houston, busy in my career and just didn't take time to find a church. I thought listening to Christian radio was enough spiritual food for me. Then I went through a phase of attending a lot of different churches. But I was just an attender. A consumer. Never a contributor.

Finally, I've found a church where I get fed spiritually and I Am connected to a great body of believers, and I am able to serve the Lord. I thank the Lord daily for my church family, and for the new life I've found in Christ Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am called to belong, not just believe. Father, I want my level of involvement at church to demonstrate my love for you. Lately I've not honored you very well. But Lord, by your grace I will become more involved. I will honor you and keep you number one. Thank You Lord for Clear Creek Community Church. And Thank You Father for the worldwide body of believers. I pray for my church family everywhere and ask for your blessings on them.

In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

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