Thursday, January 13, 2005

How Do We Show Our Love For God...?

I'm feeling guilty. And I'm feeling that I'm a bit of a hypocrite. I was listening to a sermon on 100.7 The WORD FM Radio yesterday and here's how it started:

An interesting scenario: A man and a woman are in love. Let's say they are married. They do little things for each other all the time to acknowledge their level of care for each other. They tell each other they love each other all the time. Then one day one of them writes the other a letter. The letter is accepted but never opened up and never read. Does that make sense...? How can one claim to love someone else yet refuse to read a letter that's been written by the object of their affection...?

Well, God loved us so much that he wrote us a letter. (The Bible) And Many believe the bible to be the inspired word of God. (I do) Many believe the bible to be infallible. (I do) Many believe that the bible is 'Life's Instruction Manual'. (I do) Yet how many people make a conscious effort to read the bible daily...? (very few, including me...!)

What does this say about those people...? (and me...?)

Does the way I live my life honor God...? Do I show God that I Love Him or am I merely paying lip service...? I guess I'm being pretty critical of myself this morning, but I deserve it. There's a lot of room for improvement here. The fact is, I could spend a lot more time studying the bible. I could spend more time in prayer. I could certainly go to church more. I could tithe more, too.

How do we show our love for God...? By making good use of our time, talents, and treasures....!

I think this topic deserves a few more days of meditation. I hope I receive some comments about this and these words convict others as I feel convicted...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God, I have not walked my talk. I have so much room for improvement. I ask to know you better, but what have I done to draw closer to you...? I've thought about it. But that's about it. Today I'm going to really take action, Lord. It seems that I don't have enough time to do everything. Well, I realize now that If I don't take time to do the things that please you, then everything else is for nothing. I could spin my wheels 24 hours a day and not make any progress at all if you are not behind the scenes working all for good.

Thank You Jesus for great radio stations like The Word that help me stay on the path to You. Thank You Lord for the Bible, Life's instruction manual. Thanks for the Love of my wife and family and friends. But Lord, Thank You most of All for going to the cross for my sins. Thank You for the Gift of Eternal Salvation.

I do Love You, Lord. And I'm really going to start showing it more. But I need your help Jesus. Help me stay focused on You. Send Your divine Holy Spirit down to anoint me, Lord. Help me to be a blessing to others.

Heavenly Father, In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

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