Tuesday, January 11, 2005

More Prayer For Monica

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are an awesome God. You constantly stretch and test us, but You always meet our needs. My poor wife has been greatly tested, Lord. She's been physically sick for a few days and now she is dealing with the loss of her beloved pet cat, Jack.

Please Father, I lift Monica up to You. Strengthen her. Comfort her in her hour of sorrow. Make her whole again. And Help me to be more of a blessing to her.

Jesus, You have entrusted Monica into my care and protection, yet I feel powerless in this situation. Help me to be a better husband and to always be kind, compassionate, patient, caring, and supportive.

Lord Jesus, thank you for Jack and the time we did have with him. He was an excellent pet. The best pet a person could want or ask for. We loved him and he loved us. That was and is such a precious gift. Now we are learning to deal with loss. -Especially Monica. This is her first real loss, Lord. I pray that any future losses be few and far between.

In the mean time. We just draw closer to you, Father. We are once again brought face to face with mortality. All the more reason to love and live like there's no tomorrow. We must live in constant expectancy of coming 'home' to You, Lord.

Father God, Thank you for prayer and this quiet time I share with You every day. Father, I feel the need to just be quiet for awhile. To listen for You.

I love You, Lord. And I give You my life, my everything. Every fiber of my being I give to You, Lord. Help me to make a difference in this world. To my wife, my tennis students, my friends and colleagues... I just want to make a difference in other people's lives. I want to draw closer to You, Lord. Father, once again, I ask for spiritual healing for my wife. Help her, Lord. Comfort her. Bless her, Guide her, and lead her closer to You, too.

Father, I claim Victory over this grief. Thank You Jesus, that we can have Victory over anything in Your Name.

And in Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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