Thursday, January 27, 2005

Many Prayer Requests for the Sick Today...!

I've had several email requests for prayer lately. One is from a fellow musician in our church worship band. He has a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. She is 40 years old, has 2 young children and a husband. Her name is Mary Jane. It was also brought to my attention that a family member of another church member is in his 80's and is going to undergo a 4-8 hour major surgery soon. Please pray for Pam's Dad. And I just heard that a tennis friend who lives in Lake Jackson found out he has cancer of the liver. Please pray for the Lindsey family.

I also had a comment on my old AOL Prayer Warriors Journal yesterday about a man asking for prayer for his friend who also has cancer. It's amazing to me that my old journal which was discontinued nearly a year ago is still ministering to people. God is an Amazing Provider...!

While we are praying for these dear people let's not forget my friend Keith and young tennis student Jessie who both suffer from Crohn's disease.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for just being the awesome God You are. So magnificent and Powerful, You are everywhere at one time. You know all that is going on at every minute of the day. Certainly You are aware of these poor individuals mentioned here in my journal. Father, We know you love these individuals. And they in turn are loved by their family and friends like wise. So much so that we come together here and petition you to effect healing if it be your will. Illness and tragic events bind us together, humble us, and bring us closer to you Dear Lord. In some circumstances it looks like your will is apparent. But Lord, We know that with you anything is possible. And things are not always as they seem.

Father I pray for those dealing with physical pain right now. I pray for the family and friends dealing with the emotional pain of watching their loved ones suffer. I pray that these events draw everyone closer to you and I pray for the salvation of the sick and the families. I don't know anyone's spiritual state, Lord. So I lift them all up to you. Let the lost find you and the weak become strong.

Whatever the outcome of these prayer requests, we will praise you for your Glory and Honor.

Sweet Lord and Savior, thank you so much for prayer. Thank You for being a God that Listens 24 hours a day. Thank You for loving us so much that You sent your Son to die for our sins.

I love You, Lord. And In Jesus Name I lift these petitions up to You.


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