Monday, January 24, 2005

With No Fear...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

It's amazing how you intricately weave the circumstances of everyone's life to fit into what can only be described as your divine master plan. I'm learning to look for your word and your counsel and your leadership in all my experiences. This week I'm faced with some great challenges. Above all else I need to be a good steward of my time. I have many tasks set before me and I need your strength and courage and wisdom to persevere.

Divine, Infinite Master, I lay these needs at your feet. Not once have you ever failed to meet my needs, Lord. And I can't help but think that there's no reason for you to stop meeting my needs now. I have no fear of the future with you as my Lord and Savior...!

I do have several personal prayer requests today, my Lord. First of all, I want to lift up my sweet wife, Monica. She needs a good day, Lord. Help her to have a happy, health, and productive day. She has gone days and days without feeling her best and I just pray that today she feel 100% good...! I pray for her inspiration to create some beautiful work of art. Help her to fully engage and make use her incredible talents, Lord. Help her to keep growing closer to you. Keep our love for each other strong and binding.

Father God, I just need help with time management issues. I need to crank out an incredible volume of tasks today. Help me to just have a super productive day today. Everything I do will be done as if I'm doing it for you, my Lord. Please Lord, Bless my Day. Bless my lessons and my time with my tennis students. And especially my time spent off court. May that especially be a full and productive time.

Heavenly Father You know our financial situation, You know our wants and needs. Lord bless us to meet those needs once again this month. It's amazing how you always come through for your faithful. Thank You Lord, for giving us the needs and desires that keep drawing us close to you and keep us dependant on you. If we could do everything under our own power we wouldn't think that we needed you, would we...? Thank you for keeping us humble, Lord. Thank you for drawing us closer together and closer to you, my Jesus. You are truly an Awesome God...!

Oh Lord, and thanks again for bringing Frank home early from Iraq. That was truly a miracle. Thanks also for a good start to my junior gran prix tournament circuit last week. That was a great beginning to my career as the Executive Director of the Houston Professional Tennis Association. Father, thank you so much for the life growing inside of Monica's belly...!

Dear Jesus, Thank You Especially for going to the cross for my salvation. What a sacrifice you made! I love You, Lord and I give this day to you. In your precious holy name I pray, Amen.

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