Sunday, January 23, 2005

Praise Report...!

We prayed for my friend Frank on January 20 and guess what...? He's already home from Iraq a couple of weeks early...! That's awesome. As soon as I got his email I started praying. He said he wouldn't be able to come home until February 9, but he just emailed me a few hours ago that he's home...!

Praise the Lord...!

God is Good...!

God listens....!

God Answers Prayer...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are a Mighty God...! Thank you so much for bringing my dear friend home safely from Iraq. I know you have special plans for Frank. I remember a year ago when I was praying that You would send me someone to disciple and not long after that Frank asked me to pray for him and spend some time with him in the bible. That was another example of answered prayer. Oh God, You are an Awesome God...! Thanks for showing your Glory. Thanks for hearing and answering my prayers again and again and again...! I promise to be a good mentor to Frank and help Him grow in You just like my friend Steve helped me when I had taken a sabbatical from the faith.

In the Name of Jesus Christ I Give Thanks And Praise. Amen...!

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