Monday, January 17, 2005

What are we doing for others...?

Today we remember the Life of Martin Luther King Jr. He was a preacher and civil rights activist. I was doing a little research on Dr King and found a quote of his: He stated that Life's most urgent question is what are we doing for others?

That's a good question.

I was born in 1965. I really missed out on the worst of the racial issues our country went through before I was born and when I was a young child. I grew up in the south, but I can't say that I hold the prejudices that I read about. And I really don't have a recollection of Dr King when he was alive. But I understand that he did many great things in the way of Human Rights. I do want to honor his memory today. And I'd like to ponder his statement regarding life's most urgent question.

I'm not sure if I'd agree completely with his statement that what we do for others is the GREATEST issue, but I believe it certainly is a significant question. If the greatest commandment is that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, then something along that end would have to be life's most urgent question. How are we loving God? How are we showing our love for God...?

But there is a second part to that scripture and that's hwere it goes hand in hand with Dr King's quote. Jesus also said we were also to love our neighbor as ourselves. That part of scriptures is where I see Dr King's quote coming from...

Sadly, this is becoming a very selfish world. It's a 'me' and 'my' mentality out there. Although I am encouraged by the relief effort for the psunami victims. That shows there is still a little hope for this planet. I want my life to be remembered for my giving of myself to others. I want selfless giving to be my trademark. My life is living for God and pouring myself into the lives of others in honor of Him. But oh do I have my bouts with selfishness. I hate that part of me. That is the ugly flesh coming out and trying to rule me.

I certainly don't know the real Dr King Jr. I'm sure that he had his own sin patterns and his bouts with selfishness, too. After all, he was a man like you and I. But his memory and ideals live on and give us much to think about and to remind us. I am grateful to Dr King and what he stood for and the lives he changed. Really, for the way he effected the entire world.

When I ever have a little extra time I want to research Dr King a little more thoroughly. But anyway, today we honor Dr Martin Luther King Junior, the man and the ideal.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We have a lot to think about when we ponder Dr Martin Luther King Junior. He was a man of great faith and an inspiration to all believers. His question to what are we doing for others firms my resolve to reach out to my brothers and sisters in you. It makes me want to help the seeker the lost all the more.

It would be so easy to just focus on the needs of myself and my family, and certainly I will do my best in that endeavor, but I want to always be on the lookout for others to impact in a positive way. Lord, help me to recognize opportunities as they pass my way. Give me the heart of a giver. Give me a greater heart for service.

I know you have great plans for good for my family and I, Lord. But it starts with me. Help me to be the leader you have called me to be. I love you, Lord. And I want to serve you.

Thank You for the lives of great men of faith like Dr King. His life was and is an inspiration. Lord Jesus, I give this day to you. I pray for your strength and guidance and your blessing.

In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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