Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Prayer for Frank

I have a friend that is in Iraq right now. He's a civilian contractor working on the power plants and water purification over in Baghdad. Frank is just starting to know the Lord. We've had many discussions about God, the bible, and various philosophical issues. I know that God has big plans for Frank and intends to use him in a powerful way to witness to others. I've been thinking about him a lot lately and want to lift him up today in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You Lord that You are our great protector, provider, and sustainer. You are our every help in times of need. Father, You orchestrate all things for good to those who are called to your purposes. Your mercies are everlasting and your tender love is all enduring. God, You are an awesome God...!

Lord I thank you for my friendship with a man named Frank. Father, he as chosen to go into harm's way and I want to pray for him this morning. I know that you have great plans for him and I just pray for his safety and his continued spiritual growth. I pray that his light shine brightly over in the darkness. I pray that his presence will be a comfort to those who don't know you, Lord.

Father I do pray that Frank continues to grow in You. Give him a hunger and thirst for the TRUTH, Your Holy Word. Help me continue to minister to him through encouraging words and intercesory prayer. And Lord, lift up his family back here in Houston, too. His faithful wife Pat and son Matt are eagerly awaiting his return. Bless them and keep them safe in Frank's absence.

Lord Jesus, I just place this request at your feet. I give this situation to You, Holy Father. I just pray that your will be done in this matter. I pray that Frank stays obedient to You, and that he might be a blessing to others. Send someone to encourage and minister to Frank when he needs it and keep him safe Lord to complete the good work you have started.

Lord, I love You. You are my Rock. I am yours, Father. I give this day to You, Lord. Thank You for my blessings. I'll never forget or take for granted how far you have delivered me. I have it so much better than the rest of the world. I have an awesome wife and a baby boy on the way. I have loving relatives, a good job, good friends, an awesome church... And I remember scripture says that to those who have been given much then much is expected.

Well Lord, I want to give you my all. I want to give you my best. Apart from you I am nothing. You are everything. Thank You Lord Jesus. Praise You. Bless Your Holy Name.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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