Friday, March 18, 2005

TGIF Psalm 95: 1-2

O come let us sing for the joy of the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our Salvation.Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms.

On Fridays I like to make my prayer time all about worship, thanks, and praise and very little about petition. Certainly, there is a time for intercession and I feel that interceding on behalf of others is one of my spiritual gifts. But I don't want to constantly be asking God for things. Every now and then I just want to worship Him. Just Praise and Thank Him. I just want to take time at least once each week to stop and count my blessings. And I love to read the Psalms on Fridays to put myself in a worshipful mood. The psalms are mostly loaded with thanks and praise. Psalm 95 is a great psalm of praise and worship. It is also a psalm of warning that concludes with 'if today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts...'

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are a God above all Gods, above all things. Lord, You created all the universe and beyond. We can not fully fathom Your greatness. We worship You. We Praise You. We give You thanks, God Eternal. Lord You are our Rock, our Foundation. All life and love comes from You.

Lord Jesus, thank You for creating us, for giving us purpose. Thank You Lord for allowing us to Love. I love You, Lord. My knee is bowed before Your presence, My King.

Thank You Lord for my many blessings. Thank You for my sweet wife, Monica. Thank You for my Son whom we have yet to give a name. Thank You for my family and friends who love me and lift me up. Lord, I have so many things to be thankful for. You have just blessed me greatly...!

Lord, I will not harden my heart. I hear Your voice and obey. Praise be the name Jesus Christ, Son of God, Giver of Life Eternal...! You are my God, my Divine Master. I am Yours, dear Lord.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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