Thursday, March 17, 2005

What God's Been Showing Me Lately

I have been in a bit of a spiritual slump lately. There's a few people that get on my nerves. I'll go ahead and admit that I just plain don't like them. Some of these feelings are based on events that may have happened years ago. I think I've forgiven them but maybe I haven't because I still don't feel comfortable even being in the same room with them. I don't want to be around them, ever. And I'm feeling very convicted because I know that Jesus wouldn't want me to harbor feelings of anxiety and worry in this regard. I'm feeling very, very imperfect right now. I know I've got to snap out of it. I've been praying and meditating about it. I've even spoken to some friends who are farther along in their walk with God than I am... And I know that I need to either go to the offending parties and discuss my feelings or just get over it. I probably need to do both.

Many reading today might be shocked to find this out about me. Well, I'm definitely not perfect and never claimed to be. But I do want to try to live my life in a Godly manner and that's why I'm feeling so convicted -because I know I'm not behaving the way Christ would have behaved in this situation. A couple of the people don't even realize how much they have gotten on my nerves. And it seems that God is constantly putting them in my path. I know that God is knocking on my heart's door right now. I run across these people too much. It's much more than a coincidence.

Well, I'm going to try to deal with it this week. I am going to over come this.

-With God's help...!

Dear Heavenly Father

Lord, thank You for showing me my weaknesses. I know that You love me very, very much. And I love you, too. So much so that I can't bear to offend you by harboring ill feelings toward others in the family of the Body of Christ. Lord, You know the ones with whom I have trouble dealing with. I pray that You bless them. I pray that you bless our relationship. Lord God, help me mend those relationships and change my feelings toward these parties.

Help me rid myself of these negative thoughts and feelings. Cleanse my heart Oh God. I want to be more useful to your Kingdom and I know I can't be authentic right now.

Father God, Thank you for my sweet wife Monica and my friend Glenn who have been constantly praying for me in this regard. I am greatly blessed to have them in my corner.

Lord, God thank You for hearing my prayer. I know there is no request that You can't handle. And I take victory over this situation by the power of Your Holy Name: Jesus Christ.

Thank You Jesus, My Savior! I give this day to You. I Pray that you allow my light to shine brightly in the dark places today.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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