Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Prayer Requests

They last few days I've received many prayer requests so today throughout the day I'll be lifting up these special interests in prayer and I ask the Prayer Warriors reading this blog to join me.

"Pat" has asked for prayer for the Northwest Houston's Youth Tennis Association. The NWYTA has 4 board positions on it's Board of Directors that need to be filled by June.

"Marty" in Austin is dealing with a serious illness . Please Pray for Marty and his family.

"Jamie" has a close friend named Mike who suffered a heart attack during the MS 150 last weekend. At last report Mike was in Critical Condition.

Dear Heavenly Father,

What an Awesome, Mighty God You are...! Thank You Dear Lord, for the gift of prayer. Today I lay several needs at Your feet. Father, Lift up the Marty and his family who have been struggling for some time with Marty's illness. I don't know all the details Lord, but I do know Marty's wife Jan. I feel a special connection to Marty and Jan now that Monica, Connor and I are a family with another on the way. What would happen to my family if I was struck down with a terrible illness? I am honored to pray for them and I pray for healing for Marty and stress relief for he and his family. A long term illness is so draining on everyone. I lift them up today, Lord. Right here, Right now. I pray for your blessings on Marty and his family. Give them courage. Give them Grace. Grant them rest. In Jesus' Name I Pray.

Lord, I also want to lift up Jamie's Friend, Mike. When we hear about a heart attack victim we immediately go into prayer for that person and their family. Every victim is someone's mom or dad, son or daughter, or brother or sister. Many People are affected when a heart attack happens. I don't know about Mike's eternal salvation but I pray for him in that regard today.

When I hear about a heart attack, I am instantly reminded of how fragile life is and anything can happen at any time so we must always live in expectancy. Father God I pray for Good to come from Mike's heart attack. First of all, if it be Your Will, I pray that he survive this. Second, I pray that many lives are changed with this close brush with death. I just lift up Mike and his family and friends today, Father.

Lastly, I want to lift up the Northwest Houston Youth Tennis Association. I have known of this group for many years and just recently have become acquainted with one of it's officers and they are a Believer and have asked that I pray for the association. A youth tennis association is a very worthy cause and certainly near and dear to my heart. Organizations such as the NWHYTA provide the programs through which young people can enter the pathway to tennis and they are the most important steps in junior tennis development. I pray that God Blesses the leadership of the NWHYTA and sends new volunteers to the board. Send those with a heart for Children's tennis. I pray for these volunteers and their families, Lord. And I ask blessings on those who have already put in years of work developing this organization and steering it on it's course and mission to promote youth tennis.

Father God, I just want to Thank You again for the opportunity to pray for these situations. As Christians we are all called to pray for each other without ceasing. I Thank You for prayer. It is so easy just to plug in to You any time of the day, 24 hours a day. Prayer is a blessing.

So Father, I Pray in Your Name, For Your Will to be done in these matters. I love You, Lord. And I give my life to You. I'll endeavor to use this day to honor You, for Your Glory.

Amen and Amen.

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