Thursday, April 21, 2005

Praying to know God's Will

One of my favorite bible teachers is Dr Charles Stanley. He is a Pastor in Atlanta Georgia. He has several websites. Here is one of them:

I subscribe to a monthly devotional magazine that Dr Stanley publishes. The month of May features an article titled How Can We Be Sure of God's Will...? In the article Dr Stanley gives us seven questions to ask ourselves.

The first Question we must ask ourselves is:

Is It Consistent With The Bible...?

Look for scriptures that either indicates this is the right way to go or gives you reason not to proceed. Even if you cannot find verses describing a situation comparable to yours, look for applicable truths. God's Word is full of life principles; a single passage can offer wisdom that applies to many circumstances. Psalm 119:11 says, 'Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.' In other words, scripture is a guide, but in order to be useful, it must be read, and it's wisdom must be stored in your heart.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I want to know Your perfect will for my life. I want to be obedient to You. I want to be faithful. I want to always be the Godly Witness You've called me to be. Lord, my walk with You is suffering for lack of consistent time in Your Word. Dr Stanley's number one question is am I reading the bible regularly...? I pray a lot, but maybe I should pray a little less and spend more time in the Word. I will resolve right here right now to set aside bible study time on a more regular basis. And I will get my family on a routine schedule, too...!

Lord, help me to do what is right. I need You, Lord. I am nothing apart from You. Father God, You have done such great things for me. And I am very grateful. Surely I can show my love by reading Your Word every day. I love You, Father. And I give this day to You, my King.

Help me fight Fatigue and allow me to put in a good strong day and accomplish many tasks on my to do list. And Dear Jesus, I do want to remember my prayer request from earlier this week.

Please lift up Jamie's Friend who suffered a heart attack this past weekend, Lord I ask for continued blessings and healing on the Phillips family in the hill country. Father I continue to pray for the North Houston Youth Tennis Association and the vacant board positions. And Lord I ask You to bless the Giammalva tournament this weekend. Help me find an umpire for that event, Lord.

Father God, I ask also that you lift up my tennis students today. Help them to stay focused during their lessons and allow them to learn everything I have to teach them today. If it be You will, Lord I ask for an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone today, Lord.

I pray these things in Christ Jesus' Name,


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