Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Spiritual Attack

I really feel like my family is under spiritual attack. Every turn we make, every step we take we just seem to get more and more bogged down. I think God is definitely trying to show us something. Perhaps he's just trying to get us to rely more on him. Perhaps he wants me to find a new job closer to my home. Perhaps he wants me to find a new home closer to my job. Perhaps he wants us to find a new church home. Perhaps he wants us to try to get by with just one vehicle. There are so many questions to answer. So many issues to address...

My poor wife is being brave, but I know she is very, very weary. I just pray that she gets the rest she needs and quits trying to work herself to death. (That's my job...!)

I'm of the mind to just sit back and pray. I want to slow down for a few days. I don't want to make any rash decisions. I just want to take stock of the situations at hand and let God speak. I want to listen.

Sometimes I think I get caught up in the frantic pace of life and of scheduling myself from morning to night. Too much of that and I just disconnect. I'm unable to hear God's still, small voice.

My life has changed so drastically in the past six months with the baby on the way, and then even more drastically in the past week with Connor coming to live with us full time.

I just need a bit of quiet time to take stock and rethink my life. I've got to get closer to God. And I've got to be a true leader to my family. I've got to be strong for my wife and children. I must make wise Godly decisions because every choice I make has implications and affects the lives of others around me. Others whom I love and cherish.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh Divine Master, I just fall on my face at your feet. I need Your saving grace tonight, Lord. I am so weak. So weary. I just need You Lord. I need Your Clarity. Your Vision. I need Your patience, Lord. I need Your wisdom. Father I seek You. I humbly seek your will.

Search me. Search my heart Oh Lord. Reveal to me the areas I need to correct. There are so many directions I could take. So many decisions I could make. I want to make the decisions You would have me make, Lord. I wait on You.

I know You have plans for Good in store for my family. These struggles will melt away into triumphs. Through You Jesus. In You, Lord. I just lay this at Your feet. I pray that You restore my wife Lord. She is more weary than I. Just Bless Her. Lift her up. Give her courage. Give her peace.

And Lord, just guard Connor's little heart. Continue to help him work through the grief he's facing. Help me to be a blessing to him. Season my words to be a comfort and an inspiration to him, Lord. Let both Monica and I provide a loud, clear witness and testimony of the power of prayer, faith, hope, and love.

Father God I just call for healing for my family. I call for unity for my family. Let us be strong. Let us be one in You, Lord. I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Eternal Savior, who bought our lives with His precious blood.


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