Thursday, April 14, 2005

Still Surrendering...

Dear Heavenly Lord,

I love You, Father. No matter what comes my way I'll be true to You. I'm still surrendered to You, Lord. My life will never be the same again. And I know that for all my resolve the enemy is doubling, even tripling his efforts to tear me down, I will not fall. You are my Rock, Lord. You are my Fortress. I am strong in You and weak without You. In You no weapon formed against me shall prevail. Apart from You I would never make it.

Lord I am Yours. Your servant. Your instrument. I'm just seeking You. I'm trying to filter my life and every decision I make, every reaction I have, and my every thought through a biblical world view.

Lord, I just want to be united with You in Heaven one day. And I want all my family and friends there, too. Help me to help them find You. The appointment of a family is something we have absolutely no control over. That is Your Divine, Sovereign Will. Don't we owe special attention to our family...? And our friends...? Aren't they Divinely appointed, too...? You know every single person who's going to cross my path today, Lord. I pray that I don't miss an opportunity to minister as You would.

Lord, I need You. I'm weak and worthless apart from You. Lift me up today. Help me to be obedient to Your Word. Help me to be the best possible steward of my time. I fear there's not a whole lot of time left, Lord. I sense an urgency in the air. Is this world spinning faster and faster? I believe it is. But it's not out of control. You are in charge, Lord. The whole world is in Your Hands.

And I take solace in the fact That You are greater than the enemy that is trying to bring me down. Father God I just lean on You. I rest in You. You are my Peace, My Joy, My Comfort...! Thank You Lord for sustaining me. Thank You for Guiding me. Thank You for friends and family who love me and lift me up.

Lord God, Thank You most of all for Your Precious Gift of Salvation. You are Life. You gave me life. And You are MY Life. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. And in Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

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