Monday, May 23, 2005

God's Plan For Your Life

This weekend I heard two really good sermons that I'm looking forward to reporting on and studying later this week.

But today I continue my study of Charles' Stanley's article on Knowing God's Will.

Doctor Stanley tells us that we need to consider how our thinking, conduct, and here-and-now decisions coincide with the Lord's long-range plans for us. This is why we must teach our children to be very careful about how they decide upon a vocation, choose a marriage partner, and make all the other major decisions in life. In each instance the question is:

Does this fit God's purpose for my life....?

It would be one thing if the Lord left all choices up you us; then we would be free to make every decision without considering his will on the matter. But he has a specific plan for each believer, and it is for our best because he is a loving, all-knowing, all wise father.

I remember the first time I ever heard the term: God's perfect plan for your life. I was a freshman in college back in 1984 and I was discussing a personal issue with the music minister at First Baptist Church in Bay City. Brother Dale explained it all very clear to me and prayed with me. He made me feel a whole lot better that day and really expanded my knowledge about the Kingdom.

Today I'd like to pray for Brother Dale Perkins, where ever he is.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord here we are at the start of another week. I just thank You Lord for the awesome weekend I had. I thank You for the inspired messages I heard this weekend from Dr Stanley and Pastor Sberna.

Lord it's so awesome that You have a perfect plan You for each and every one of us. Doctor Stanley reminded us in his study this morning to seek Your perfect plan for our Life. -Just as Brother Dale Perkins explained it to me a little over 20 years ago. Lord, where ever Dale is today I just want to lift him up. He was and is a tremendous witness for the Kingdom. He was such an inspiration to the youth when I was growing up. I pray for his family, his wife and children. Send Your blessings down upon them.

Father God, thank You for blessing my Sunday. We just enjoyed a really nice family day. I didn't have anything like that with my family when I was growing up as a child and a teen ager. I realize how blessed I am now. You have given me the desire of my heart: a loving christian family.

I just love and praise You, Father. I will live every moment for You, Lord. I give this day to You. For Your Glory, in Your Honor, forever and ever...

In Jesus' Name I Pray,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dale Perkins is now music minister at First Baptist, Atlanta, Texas.