Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Prayer For A Single Parent

I have a friend who is having a difficult time. He's having career problems, family problems, and financial problems all at the same time. He doesn't know what to do. He may lose his house, his job is a dead end and he's a single parent with two teenagers who are getting into mischief.

I've known this man for many years. We grew up together in Bay City and I feel a particular bond with him. We spoke on the phone for a long time yesterday. I just want to lift him up in prayer today. His name is 'JP'

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God, You are an Awesome God...! -A Loving and merciful God. You have the whole world in Your Hands. Lord You know JP and his problems. I see that You are definitely trying to get his attention. I think JP knows of You but doesn't really know what a truly powerful God you are. JP is still trying to solve his situation on his own.

Help me to show JP that the only way to find a solution to his problems is through You. Yes, sometimes You present someone with difficult impossible situations to break them. Lord I know you are the only answer. We are Nothing without you. Not a Thing. Dust.

Father God, we are called to help our brothers and sisters when they stumble. Help me to be there for JP. I do love him like a brother. I pray for his situation today. I lift him and his family up to You, Lord. I pray that he know the true peace and comfort of a close relationship with You, Lord. I pray for his Salvation.

Divine Savior, I lay this at Your feet. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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