Monday, May 16, 2005

Still Working on Knowing God's Will

I was watching Dr Charles Stanley's television broadcast this weekend and caught the last half of a sermon on knowing Gods will. He does such a good job teaching on that subject I think I'm going to order his cd series on the topic. I know I still have one or two more installments from the article I've been reviewing here but I just wanted to focus on one item that hit me right between the eyes yesterday.

Dr Stanley was teaching about hindrances to knowing the will of God. One of the chief hindrances was guess what...? 'Busy-ness' Everywhere I turn I'm reminded that busyness is a sin. It's separating me from God. Well I'm trying to change that. Yesterday was a really good day. I took it easy and rested up from a tough week. Monica, Connor, and I spent pretty much the entire day as a family. We slept in a little later than normal. We watched church on Television. Then Connor and I cleaned out the garage together. After that we all went to an afternoon performance by the Houston Symphony, then we went out to eat for dinner. When we got home Monica and I worked in the baby room a little bit and then we had an evening of family ping pong matches. We capped off our evening with an hour of family time bible reading.

This was just an awesome family day. I love Monica and Connor so much and realize that God's will for me is providing for my family. Not just monetarily, but emotionally and spiritually as well. I've got to be a leader and set the example. I like that role.

We got to bed before 10:30 PM. That's a must from now on. Especially for Connor and Monica. And I feel pretty energized this morning. Yes, God is Good and He's Blessing me abundantly.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are Awesome in Your Majesty. Father of Lights You have lit up my life. Thank You Lord for Blessing me continually. I have the best family a man could want or hope for. And I seek Your divine will for them and for myself. Lord I want to honor You in everything I do, my every breath. I want to raise my family up to love and serve You.

Lord We just want to draw closer to You. Every step in this walk of life, just let it be a little closer with Thee. Father help us be obedient. Help us be consistent. Help us be disciplined in our study of Your word. Father You have given us the perfect driver's manual for our life: The Bible. Help us go to that manual on a regular basis. I pray that Your word permeate our mind our hearts.

Lord I just ask for strength as a leader. I want to be the best husband, father, coach, and friend to my family and the circle of life around me. And hese things I can only accomplish through the Grace of Your Blood that was shed for me. I love You, Lord. And I pledge this day to You. For Your Honor and Glory, In Jesus Name I pray,


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