Thursday, May 26, 2005

Trust The Lord

Dr Stanley was preaching from Proverbs 3 this past Sunday. He said when you go camping and hiking you have to use a compass at all times or you're going to get off the path. And The Bible is our Compass for the hiking trip of living life.

To sum up Doctor Stanley's sermon he basically said That we need to dive into the bible, the Word of God. He encouraged us to not just be busy, but be busy about the word of God, and the things that matter to God. -That really spoke to my heart because I am fighting 'busy-ness' like crazy. Busy-ness and worry. That is what consumes me at times.

But the bible says that if we Trust the Lord with all our Heart and don't try to figure things out on our own,(under our own power), that HE will direct our path if we acknowledge Him in all our ways....

I've read that verse for years and have always liked the way it sounded but actually applying that principle to my life is one of the most difficult things I've ever tried to do. I like to plan things to completion. I like to have it all worked out to the smallest detail. That's just how I was wired. I'm a perfectionist. It literally drives me crazy when I can't see the solution to a problem clearly. It would have been nearly impossible for me to be Abraham of the old testament.

But I've been in difficult and seemingly impossible situations many times in my life. And God has always been faithful, even when I was not. I'm much better at remaining calm and trusting God now than I ever was in my younger days but I still have a lot of personal growth to go through. I'm definitely a work in progress. I'm like that bumper sticker that says Please be patient, God's not finished with me yet!

It's been on my heart lately to read and study the bible more. And for Monica and Connor and I to set aside time to do that as a family. We've done it only once since Connor's come to live with us, but We need to do it on an ongoing, regular basis. I just pray today that we continue to grow closer as a family and we grow greatly in God's Word together.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord thanks so much for my family. You have trusted me with leading them, Lord. Help me be the man of influence You have called me to be. Give me the discipline to study Your Word every day. Help me hear when you speak to me in that still, small voice. I ask You to direct my Path oh Loving Heavenly Father.

Father I just seek Your will this morning. I want to be busy about Your business, not mine. I Trust You Lord, You have always done right by me. And You loved me so much You even shed Your Blood for me. I just Thank You and Praise You and Love You, Lord.

I give today to You, Father. I will pursue this day with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength because of my deep love for You and my desire to please You. I will give 100 percent effort in all I do even as if I was doing it for You, Lord. That is my offering. I give my life to You Lord.

In Jesus' Name I Pray,


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