Saturday, June 11, 2005

Thanks and Praise

I had a tremendously busy week this week. So many projects were piled up that I worked late into the night and early into the morning most every day this past week. I typically would teach lessons most of the day, then come home and work on the computer until at least midnight and then go to bed only to get up again between 3 and 4 AM to get started on my next day.

Well, I made it to the weekend. I'm caught up on most everything and will take today off from lessons to rest up and get some things done around the house. I am so grateful to get through this past week. I spent all of my prayer time the last few days just praying for strength and endurance. Especially when I would be driving and getting drowsy I would pray for God to keep me awake. All in all, in spite of the gruelling schedule I count this past week as a very good week.

Today will be catch up day at home and then tomorrow will be a true, God-Honoring, Day of Rest!

Dear Heavenly Father,

My Lord God King Savior Redeemer, I give You all my praise and worship this morning. You are an awesome God who has delivered me through a difficult week. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for the loving support of Monica and Connor. Thank You my Lord for good tennis programs all week long.

Father God, Thank You for my health. Praise the Lord my feet aren't hurting and my shoulder feels good. I'm losing weight and will one day soon be considered in good shape. Oh I long for that day, but until then thank You for the Grace to get from my current over-weight state to my future fit physique.

Dear Jesus thank You for blessing our finances. We don't have an abundance but we are making do with what we have and we are striving to be God Honoring in the handling of our money. God You are an awesome God...!

Lord I just thank You for all my friends. Bless them and lift the up today. Lord, Thank You for Life. Life is precious. Thank You for my life and the lives I come in contact with every day in every circumstance. I thank You for the opportunity to witness. I thank You for the Bible, Your Holy, Infallible Word and Truth.

Lord Jesus I thank You for Salvation and the Promise of Eternal Life. Father I just Love You and Praise You and Lift Your Holy Name on High.

I give this day to You Father. For Your Glory. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

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