Thursday, August 25, 2005

Prayer for Willowbrook Church

This morning I drove past Willowbrook Church on the way to take Connor to school and noticed the Church Marquee board again and when I got home I looked up their website on the internet.
Their address is It looks like a very nice church. I like their site. I already have a church home but I appreciate what Willowbrook Church is doing to win souls for the Kingdom. Their witness is an encouragement to me. This morning I feel compelled to pray for them.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord I just want to thank You for this church. Willowbrook Church is working hard to minister to the surrounding community. I pray that You bless it's efforts. I lift up the pastoral and lay staff and their families this morning. Bless them, Lord. Keep them safe and prosperous. Give Pastor Steve and Marti Divine Wisdom in shepherding their flock. Inspire Pastor Nick and Angela as they lead the youth. I pray that their hearts are on fire for You Lord and that their enthusiasm is contagious among the youth they minister to. Bless Keith and Kelli in the Worship and Nursery Ministry too, Lord. I've served in both the music and nursery ministries myself in other churches, Lord. So my heart goes out to all those in these ministries.
Father, I also want to lift up Sally who handles the church office. I pray for her gift of adminstration and that her talent for organization is a blessing to the church. Every church needs a good office staff.
Lord Jesus, I lift up these church leaders and I just pray that Willowbrook Church continues to be a light and pillar to the community. Lord, You are an awesome God and loving Father. You always give Your people what they need. I really needed that message on the church sign a few days ago. Thank You, Jesus.
I love You Lord and I give this day to You. Forgive my trespasses oh Lord, and help me to avoid temptation in the future. I want to live a God Honoring Life...! I want to be right in the center of Your Will, My King. I know I owe everything to You. My life is not my own. I belong to YOU, Father.
In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

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