Monday, August 22, 2005

What are we here for...?

I listened to a sermon from Dr Ed Young of Houston's Second Baptist Church this morning as I was driving home from taking Connor to school. In one segment of his sermon he very passionately stated that God didn't put us here on the earth just to breathe air, eat, take up space and have a good time. We're here to do His work.

That started me thinking, how much of my day is 'About the Lord's Work...?'

Currently: -Just a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes scattered here and there throughout the day...!

Aaugh...! Sometimes I just disgust myself when I realize how self absorbed I can be.

Certainly, I've come to the realization that I'm called to be a daddy: A father to Elijah and a step-father to Connor. Of course, I consider that to be the Lord's Work, but I'm feeling deeper convictions to present a stronger witness to those around me. Not just with my lifestyle, but actually sharing the gospel with others.

I think that all Christians are called to share the gospel in some way or another. The key is to find out what particular method suits you and is most effective.

Well, Dr Young's sermon awakened me a bit this morning. I think I'm basically just breathing air and taking up space right now. I absolutely must get out of that rut...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I know you have called me to do many things for You and the Kingdom. I don't feel I'm doing my fair share. Help me Lord. Help me to realize my potential in You. Give me a thirst and a hunger for Your Word. Let my enthusiasm be contagious and spread to those around me...

Father, help me to recognize opportunities to serve. I am so blessed, Lord. You have blessed me so tremendously. I just want to give back to You. Take my life, Lord and mold it the way You want. I am a surrendered man.

Thank You for my sweet wife and family. I just lift them up to you this morning.

Father God I love You, and in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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