Friday, September 09, 2005

Prayer of Thanks

My Dear Sweet Jesus,

Oh Most Holy Lord, Master of the Universe, God of Power and Might, You are an Awesome and Wonderful God. Heaven and Earth are full of Your Glory, My King. The whole world is in Your Hands. Jesus, I bow down before You in humble adoration.

Today my Lord I just count my many blessings. And I deeply and humbly thank You Father for giving me such a tremendous life. My entire perspective has changed since becoming a daddy. And I was just thinking how You are the Ultimate Daddy, My Divine, Holy, Spiritual Father. Thank You for being my role model, Lord. My Hero...!

You know absolutely everything about me. There are no secrets. Nothing Hidden. You know how much I truly Love You, Lord. And I only want to honor You and serve You in all that I do. Oh I know I fall short many times every day, but I'm trying Lord. And You continue to heep blessings upon me that I do not deserve.

Father God, I want to thank You that Houston is in the position to be a care giver to Katrina victims instead of the other way around. That Hurricane could have just as easily devastated the Texas gulf coast. But You spared us. And now we have a chance to be Your Hands and Feet to those in need. What an Honor. What a Privilege. Help us to do all that we can do. Allow us to change lives through tender love and compassion.

Lord, for me personally there seems to be no end to blessings . You are totally blessing my career. You have seen fit to bless me with so many new tennis students this fall, I just thank You Lord, and pray that I continue to be an effective witness for you.

And Father the blessing of my family with baby Elijah is one of the biggest blessings of all. You have allowed Monica and I to bring a new life into the world. A new life that will never feel the pain and disappointment that I went through as a child. A new life that will grow up in a loving, Godly, family environment. Lord Jesus I thank You so much for the precious gift of baby Elijah.

And Lord I just thank You for my support system. I have an awesome wife and stepson. We have Monica's parents and my sis for close family love and support. I have awesome friends, colleagues, and a great community of families of those that teach tennis too.

I have a very satisfying and successful career. We live in a beautiful house. We Attend a great Church. We have opportunities to serve God and each other... All these things are from and of God. Nothing is because of what a great guy Sam Chadwell is. Truth be Told, I am absolutely nothing without You my Jesus. Not a Thing. It's all about You, Lord.

You, who willingly gave up Your life on the cross so that I might live 2000 years later and be blessed with life everlasting. Lord You spoke the universe into existence. You made this planet and all that dwells upon it. Then when it became so foul and corrupt You came down from Heaven to save it. And You will do that again. I thank You Jesus for Your soon to be Second Coming.

And that's why I like to take every Friday to just lift You up and count my blessings and just Praise you, Lord.

To God be the Glory. Now and Forever, In the Name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, Amen.

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