Sunday, September 11, 2005

Remembering The Twin Towers

I'm having trouble sleeping tonight. I've been thinking about the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. I remember back now at that time how I couldn't believe the evil that was in the world. That event changed the lives of America forever. It changed the world. It changed me.

I definitely drew closer to God that day. I remember thinking how all those people who died that morning had absolutely no idea their time was up when they went to work or boarded a plane that morning. I remember how I felt very vulnerable. Very fragile.

Anything could happen to us at anytime of the day, any where. We really do have to live in constant expectancy that we might see our Savior at any minute.

He could come to us.... Or we could go to Him. That's really a very sobering thought isn't it...?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I feel an unease right now. I don't like this world we live in. It's vile, and despicable. I just want to come home to You, Lord . I just want to take my family and leave. But I know we are called to be in the world, just not of it.

I have a job to do. It's to impact the world for Your Kingdom. But Father it's so discouraging when we face stress on top of stress on top of more stress. Jesus, just help me to be strong. Help me to persevere. Help me to be the man You've called me to be.

It all gets back to spending more time in Your Word. How will I become transformed if I don't know Your Word...? How will I excel if I don't dive into that book...? Lord Give me the discipline to study Your word every day. Not just listen on the radio, but a real study time.

I know the Devil has been keeping me busy. It seems nearly every minute of every day is accounted for, but my time is not spent pursuing the Kingdom. It is spent existing. Perhaps if I spent more time pursuing the Kingdom I would do more than just exist...?

Lord Jesus, Help me reach my potential in You. I love You Lord. I'm living my life for You. Everything I do is for Your Glory, Jesus. Father God, today I just remember that You are God and I am not. I lift up the families and friends of the victims of 9/11. I lift up America today. The land of the free and the home of the brave. Truly Lord, You really have shed Your Grace on Thee.

Father I worship You and Praise You, Jesus. And I just pray these things in Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ... Amen.


Colette said...

Coach Sam,
Had some trouble with migraines last week so just catching up. My pastor in his sermon yesterday reminded us that what we went through four years ago and also two weeks ago was horrific. He also made the observation that the love, support, compassion, strength, and godliness of the world in both catastrophies was unprecedented. The world is pulling together in hopes of encouraging and strengthening the victims and maybe, without realizing it, they are giving hope to all of us that this world is not such a bad place. Keep on with those prayers straight from the heart..remember no matter how far we think we are from the mark, HE looks into our hearts and souls. The FATHER sees your perseverence and your desire...He will get you there!
Sept. 12

Coach Sam said...

Hi Colette... Thanks for the encouragement. I needed that and I'm doing better now...

Your Brother in Christ,

Coach Sam