Monday, September 26, 2005

Second Prayer for Renewal

I spent an hour working on this post earlier this morning and when I went to publish, some technical problem occurred and it was lost.

That is the Enemy trying to get me down. But I will not allow the Evil One to Prevail. I've put on God's Holy Armor this morning. I've been praying fervently for a renewal of my spirit since 4 AM...

This past week has been a blur. I've been busy trying to buy a house, sell a house, prepare for a hurricane, evacuate for a hurricane, clean up after a hurricane, and still maintain my normal workload. I've got news for you: That's an impossible pace to keep up. And there has been frustration and friction in my house.

I've allowed myself to get too busy again. Busyness is the one tool that Satan successfully uses against me time and time again. If You look back at my journals over the past few years that is a recurring theme.

I just don't want to waste my life away spending time on meaningless activity. I've got to quit trying to do things under my own power. I've got to fully surrender to Jesus. Not just pay lip service in the morning and then fly out the door doing things my way.

My way doesn't work. My way leads to exhaustion and incompletion. My way is totally inadequate. So why do I try to do things my way...? I can't explain it. But I don't need to. I just need to ask The Father to help me break my life-long habits. I've got to stop being so busy in the things of this world and start getting busy living the life of an authentic, committed believer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am giving it all to You. I can't solve this puzzle. I just know that I can't accomplish happiness and life satisfaction by myself. It's only through You. It's only through the Cross. Lord I just give my trouble, I give this yolk of busyness to You. I pray this morning for a renewal of my spirit. Wash me clean and let me start afresh in You, Lord.

The Enemy shall not prevail, Lord. I will not give in to the ways of this world. I am Yours, Father. I am a child of the King. I love You Lord, I just humbly seek Your will for my life and my family. You promised Lord that if we just seek You first, and Your Kingdom, then everything else will be added on. That's what I'm doing this morning. I'm seeking You. I know that I am nothing and I can accomplish nothing apart from You.

Lord lift me up, hold me up. Renew me. I ask these things in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

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