Sunday, October 09, 2005

Encouragement, Prayer, and Petition...!

Normally on Sundays my prayer routine is to pray for a church or ministry and lift up that particular pastoral staff. Today there is so much going on and so much on my heart that I have much more than that to comment on and pray about today.

First of all, regarding my commentary a day ago about trying to witness to one person a day for the next 20 years... My confession is that so far I haven't actually discussed salvation with anyone yet, but I have spoken to numerous persons about Jesus and or the bible. I'm working on trying to turn conversations 'in the right direction'. That's one of my topics of prayer this morning, is that the Lord will bless the words of my mouth to be salt and light to others.

I have a calendar that has a new bible scripture verse every day. A recent verse in the past few days was from the writings of the Apostle Paul.

...For God is not a God of disorder but of Peace....
-1 Corinthians 14:33
I've noticed a pattern in my life. You know how I complain about being busy all the time...? Well the 'busyness' seems to ebb and flow. But I think I can see that when I am especially grounded in The Word, my life is much more at peace. Take right now, for instance. I'm at the most absolute busiest time of my life right now. I am juggling the activity of two or three men at the moment. I have to awaken at 3 or 4 AM every day to get my daily routine accomplished. Yet I do have a great peace about me. Conversely, if I skip my morning prayer time a few days, or fail to pray at all throughout the day I most absolutely feel disorder in my life.
God is most definitely a God of Peace...! And I do want to step up the witnessing my faith into high gear. My goal is to witness to one person a day every day for the next 20 years. So far I'm two days behind schedule, but I can make that up easily by witnessing to a small group every now and then. That's very much a possibility. Meanwhile, I'll just keep praying for opportunities to share my faith.
Today I want to lift up a church I don't even know about. I don't know the name of the church or the name of the Pastor, but I do know that there is a church that God has in store for us join after we move to West Columbia. I haven't really thought about it much until now. But I do want to start praying regularly that God will lead us to the church that he would have us join.
And lastly, I ask all You Prayer Warriors to please pray for the sale of our house here in Houston. We love our house, but we know that God is providing a great opportunity at Columbia Lakes for a better life for our family. Certainly, it's all in God's hands. We have great faith that things will move along quickly. But please be in prayer regarding this matter. Pray that God's will be done and that all go smoothly in the sale of our house and our ultimate move to Columbia Lakes.
Dear Heavenly Father,
God You are an Awesome God and I exalt Your Name today...! You have worked so many miracles in my life. Thank You Jesus for blessing me in so many ways.
Father, I want to lift up a church this morning. I don't know which church it is or who the Pastor is, but I do know that church is waiting for us. I'm looking forward to finding that church and will be in daily prayer to that end from now on. Meanwhile I also lift up Metropolitan Baptist that has been such a blessing to us this past year.
Lord, I also pray this morning that You strengthen my witnessing skills. I want to tell others about You. I want to lead others to Salvation in You. Help me recognize opportunities that lay before me. Season my words. Soften my heart of prejudices. I want to be an ambassador for You, Jesus.
Gentle Savior, You have done so much for me and my family. I praise You Lord. My life is about glorifying You. I pray that Your will be done in regard to the sale of our house and the purchase of the new house. To sell quickly is the desire of my heart but Lord if You have something else in mind I yield to you. And I just pray for Your guidance and wisdom as Monica and I make one of the biggest decisions of our lives.
Lord I Love You. I offer this day to You. Thank You for another day. Another opportunity to impact this world for Your Kingdom.
I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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