Friday, October 07, 2005

Thanks and Praise Friday: Psalm 96

As You know, I take Fridays as days of thanks and praise, I try to just be thankful, content, and proclaim God's Glory rather than be in petition of Him.

I love to read the Psalms to get me in the mood of Praise and Worship. Psalm 96 Verse 1-2 is a great psalm of Praise:

Sing to the Lord a new song;
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise His name;
Proclaim His salvation day after day.
These verses are urging all living beings to communicate to the Lord. They are telling us to praise His name. What is praise...? Praise is lifting up, building up, and encouraging. Praise is giving credit where credit is due. Praise is good. Praise is positive. Praise is affirming.
The last verse tells us to proclaim His Salvation every day. Proclaim means to make an announcement, to tell people something. In this case the something is 'salvation', the Good News. 'Every Day' denotes the frequency to which we are to proclaim salvation.
Although I try to live a Godly Christan life day in and day out, and I want my very life, my actions and the words that come out of my mouth to proclaim the Kingdom, I wouldn't say that I proclaim salvation every day. Oh I do to a certain extent in my daily commentaries, but wouldn't it be cool if I literally told someone about Jesus every single day...? At least one person...? What kind of impact would that have on the Kingdom. How many lives would that impact..?
I'm going to be 40 years old next week. If I told one person about Jesus every day for the rest of my life and I lived another 40 years that would be 14, 600 people I have spoken to about Jesus. And what if those people went out and told just one person a year about salvation...? If you multiply 14,600 by 40 that's 584,000 people. I could impact over half a million people in 40 years if I told one person about Jesus a day for the rest of my life starting today.
If those half a million people all told 1 person a year about Jesus for the next 40 years how would that change the world...? And finally, what if a couple of people reading this journal decided to commit to proclaim His salvation every day for the next forty years...? The impact is staggering. I'm going to be thinking on that the rest of the day.
The Lord put me in a position to meet and interact with many people every day. It would be very easy for me to speak to one person about Jesus every day for the rest of my life.
Dear Lord,
Father I just praise You today. Lord, You are speaking to me thses days like You never have before. Thank You Lord. Thank You for blessing me and my family. We have all been touched by Your Grace and Mercy.
Father I just want to lift You up today. I do proclaim Your Glory, Lord. and I want to spread the word of Your Salvation, Your Saving Grace. I want to spread the word with my lips, not just my actions. You have done great things, Lord. You are Good. You are God. I owe everything to You, Father.
I love You Jesus, And I do give this day back to You. I live to worship You, Lord. Thank You Father for Your Salvation. Thank You for going to the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I'll never forget that. And I will proclaim Your Good News every day for the next forty years. (or more if You still have work for me to do...!)
And I pray these things in Jesus' Name,

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