Tuesday, October 11, 2005

John 15:12 My Command is This: Love Each Other As I Have Loved You.

The book of John in the bible is often referred to as the 'Love' Chapter. We're all familiar with John 3:16... That verse explains how much God loved each and every one of us. But John15:12 very succintly tells us how we're supposed to feel about each other. If God loved us so much that he sent His Son to earth to die for us, and then 12 chapters later God commands us to love each other as He has loved us, does that mean that we should be prepared to die for each other...?

I would have no difficulty laying down my life for certain people. But others...? How about the meanest person I know...? (I won't name any names...) How about that person who has cheated me in business...? What about some of the really rude drivers I sometimes encounter on the road during my commuting...? How about the person who has spread false rumors about me...?

How in the world could I love them, let alone lay down my life for them...? Sorry I I can't answer that. This is why I'm writing about this topic hoping someone else can disciple me...

Perhaps I'm off base here and drawing an incorrect analogy... I don't know. But I do believe that Jesus once died for the lost. And that includes myself and all those other people I just mentioned.

The only conclusion I can draw right now is that God is God and I am not. And that's a good thing. Because I'd make a lousy God. I still have a lot of growing left to do. (sigh)

Perhaps God places difficult people in our lives because difficult relationships tend to stretch us and conform us more in his image. Are there some people in your life that You would have trouble loving as Jesus loved us...? Join me in praying about that today. I hope I get some commentary on this post because I have some really serious burdens on my heart right now and need some suggestions from someone who is walking closer with God than I am.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You have such an unfathomable capacity to love. It's really amazing. I know the depth of my own love for my wife and family, (and for You, Lord). But Your Great Love for mankind surpasses all that by leaps and bounds. There's just no comparison.

You died for the entire world. You died for the ones who beat You, tortured and humiliated You. You died for the ones who hated You and cursed You. You died for the most rotten sinners who ever lived. You even asked Your Dad to forgive them for being so dispicable to You. I'm just in awe of your ability to love the unlovavble. And You've commanded us to love each other as we love ourselves and to love each other as You have loved us. This seems humanly impossible, to me.

But it's also a moot point for me because right now there are certain people in my life that I'm just having trouble liking at all, let alone love them. Now, I don't hate them, or wish them ill, But I'd definitely prefer to not be within a certain distance of them. And I'm sad to say that loving them is out of the question.

Will that effect have an effect on my salvation...? I suppose it will certainly effect how I'm judged in the end to some degree. Oh Lord, I lay this at Your feet this morning. I need Grace and Mercy.

Help me to love like You. Help me to be more understanding, more patient, kind and gentle. I know that it will take a supernatural love to break the chains of this bondage. I know that love conquers all. I just need to keep working on it, praying about it, and leaning on You, Jesus!

Suppose You consider that I only love You as much as I love the least of my brothers...? If that's the case, I'm in a heap of trouble. Because I do love You, Lord. And I'm asking You to help me with my heart for the un-lovable and the difficult.

Father I ask this today in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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